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Contoh Narasi Pendek Dalam Bahasa Inggris Tentang "Miskin Harta, Kaya Ilmu"

Artikel terkait : Contoh Narasi Pendek Dalam Bahasa Inggris Tentang "Miskin Harta, Kaya Ilmu"

Berikut dalam sebuah artikel dalam bentuk Bahasa Inggris yang meceritakan tentang seorang siswa yang terus berusaha menggapai cita-citanya, walaupun terhalang dengan ekonomi yang kurang baik...
berikut ceritanya :

Poor Treasure,Rich in Science
My name is Raja hanif. Life is a struggle, it becomes a firm grip in living life in this world. I was born as the last of three siblings, with one brother and one brother. We live quite simply. When my sister was married, we stayed four of us in this modest house. Dad has been sick since my little mash. So that mother who replaces the figure of a head of household in earnings to earn sustenance for household needs. Began to become farm laborers, garden laborers and whatever they do.
 Mother always advised: "As long as the mother is still able to earn a living, our children should continue education as high as possible, so that one day we can be a useful person for the nation and country and family later. But it did not last long, in the last 2 years the mother is no longer able to make a living due to the condition of the mother who began to sickly.

 So that brother can not continue his education anymore. Now it's me and my brother who must replace the mother's position in seeking sustenance to meet the needs of any family we do in order to get the money. Initially it is very hard to divide the time between study and work. But this is life. I have to keep working hard in order to stay and go to school. With these family conditions and economic limitations I had time to think not to continue school again. It always comes to mind in every effort I make. But it was my family who always made the sense disappear and reawakened me.

Created By : Iskandar. AB

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